Showing Tag: "fitness" (Show all posts)

Future anticipations

Posted by Peach DeJ on Monday, July 27, 2015,
I seem to always anticipate and get really stressed out about the future. I guess thats why its better to live in the moment, which I am trying harder to do. But I have been thinking a lot about things. Like how I need to find a place soon so me and Z can move out of his brothers soon, and what I want to do for work, how I can fulfil my dreams, etc. I want to make the best choices now so I can have a good future.
My biggest focus right now is on finding a place, and second to it is finding a j...
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Addition to my blog! School...

Posted by もも DeJ on Thursday, August 15, 2013,
As you can see, I have made an addition to my blog! It is a fitness blog. I workout, and try to live a healthy lifestyle, so I wanted to be able to write a blog about that also! 

Its the time of the year all students are dreading (except for the students that actually like school...). The beginning of the school year. I don't want school to start! Its been so cloudy, rainy, and cold this year in Canada! We haven't even had a good summer, and now we have to go back to school! ...
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PeachyPie A teenager trying to get through life happy, and find love