Posted by Peach DeJ on Friday, September 27, 2013
Ever heard of "If it fits your macros"? Well thats what I want to talk about today.

I recently learnt about IIFYM, and I must say I had a very rough start!

On http://iifym.com/ I entered my age, weight, height, gender, and body fat into a calculator to calculate my macros. I used them as my starting point, and tracked it on myfitnesspal. 
Since Im not really used to tracking my macros, it was pretty confusing at first, but it is starting to get easier.
Lately I have been literally binging on carbs, and having way too many calories. Im not exactly sure why, I think its just boredom eating, but I knew that I really needed to stop.
So now I am planning the day before of what I am going to eat the next day, and today has been pretty good so far. Im just having trouble getting more protein and less carbs.

If you go on iifym.com you can find lots about what it is, and if its meant for you or not. 

These past few years I have been so up and down with diets, and such. I just want a solid plan -_- So far iifym has been working well for me, and its a lot more enjoyable being able to eat whatever you want (that is healthy) as long as it fits your macros! 
I don't know that much about it yet, but I am learning ^ ^

Tags: iifym  diets  binging  carbs 
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